Get started
Thinking broadly about your topic, aims, objectives and audience, along with practical issues such as resources and tools needed will help shape your design. We provide guidance and a template to structure your analysis.
Choosing the right activities to meet your learning objectives is vital. We give advice on choosing activities and storyboarding your design.
Quality learning content needs good design
It’s tempting to jump in and create your content on one of the many learning tools and platforms out there, but spending time on design will save you time and produce better results.

An ongoing process and not something to be left until after your training. Thinking about how and when you will evaluate your training should be an integral part of your analysis, design, development and implementation.
Running training online presents new opportunities and challenges for trainers in delivery. We give practical advice on running successful training sessions.
There are many tools and formats to deliver training content and activities. Here we highlight common activities and tools, giving tips on success and pitfalls.