Training courses
Feel free to explore our Moodle courses library!
Software and Service Quality Assurance Essentials
CourseSoftware and Service Quality Assurance Essentials Quality assessment is an important trait for software and for services. It allows users and managers to have higher trust on the Software and Services during their use and operation: They expect that the software...
The ScipionCloud thematic service.
CourseThe ScipionCloud thematic service This course aims to explain what the ScipionCloud thematic service is, how it can be useful for the research community and how it can be deployed and use. Scipion is an application used by the Structural Biology community to...
Software Quality Assurance as a Service.
CourseSoftware Quality Assurance as a Service. The adoption of quality-based practices is one common struggle when it comes to developing software in research environments. The SQAaaS platform provides researchers with ready-to-use CI/CD pipelines that cross-check the...
Scientific benchmarking using OpenEBench
CourseScientific benchmarking using OpenEBench Course to introduce the scientific benchmarking funcionality of the OpenEBench service
How to create infrastructure for Thematic Services at EOSC Synergy.
CourseHow to create infrastructure for Thematic Services at EOSC Synergy. In this course, you will learn how to create a new thematic service from scratch at the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). In the process, we are going to introduce you to some of the most used...
Using Openstack to manage cloud applications.
CourseUsing Openstack to manage cloud applications. This course is designed to explain the basic concepts of Openstack software. Upon completion, you will possess the skills to: create a virtual cluster with Openstack, use the CLI client to work with the cluster, list...
Top Tools Every EOSC Synergy Developer Should Know
CourseTop Tools Every EOSC Synergy Developer Should Know. In this write up we discuss some of the most useful tools that Synergy developers and their strong community has developed making the life of Synergy developers a lot easier. The European Open Science Cloud...
LAGO Thematic service
CourseLAGO Thematic service This training has been specifically designed for the use of the services developed within the context of the European project EOSC SYNERGY for the LAGO (Latin American Giant Observatory). The LAGO thematic service has mainly consisted of...
EOSC Synergy Online Training Handbook
CourseEOSC Synergy Online Training Handbook Quality training needs good design. It’s tempting to jump in and create your content on one of the many learning tools and platforms out there, but spending time on design will save you time and produce better results. This...
Data Steward Training
CourseData Steward Training The purpose of the online course is to support the development of data stewardship skills among staff in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other research performing organisations. Topics covered include: Introduction to FAIR,...
Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster: EC3
CourseElastic Cloud Computing Cluster: EC3 This course is aimed at learning about the Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) tool and how to integrate it in your solution. EC3 is a tool that enables users to deploy self-managed clusters that are enlarged and shrunk...
EOSC-Synergy learning services guide.
This course is a guide to help you understand the basics of using the Moodle platform.
Using Kubernetes on Federated Cloud in EOSC-Synergy.
This course is for Community administrators to understand how to create kubernetes clusters on the infrastructure.
Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe
CourseBringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe. In this introductory course, you will be introduced to Open Science and related initiatives, such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and FAIR principles. By watching a series of recorded...
Other EOSC training initiatives

NI4OS Training platform
National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS Europe, aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science.

PaN e-Learning platform
This e-Learning platform hosts free education and training for scientists and students. You will find courses on both the theory of photon and neutron scattering and how to use python code or software for data reduction and modelling.
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