A set of services
EOSC-Synergy training platform set of tools for the creation and conduction EOSC related training courses.
It facilitates cloud related courses providing tools for interactive computing.
The platform is based on the container’s technologies, that allows for combining together in a suitable learning setup for students/training participants.
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Enrollment codes
You need the enrollment code to use our services. If you don’t have one yet, please fill in the contact form below and wait for answer via email.
Online Learning Platform
Massive open online courses platform based on the worldwide most popular Moodle platform. Platform provide interactive courses capabilities with user forums to support community interactions among students and tutors as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.

Hackathon as a service
This platform allows hackathon organizers to create events that require infrastructure usage with no worries about resource management. It also provides tools to easily control participants and evaluate their work. Event participants are able to join or to get invited to interesting events, use the infrastructure provided easily and submit their results.